Find Your People.
Build Your Tribe.
Life is better together. Tribes reflect our belief that everyone needs a circle of people who truly ‘get them’—a place to connect, belong, and grow.
What to Expect in a Tribe:
Authentic Connections
Real-life Conversations
Growth in Faith and Purpose
Support During Life’s Highs and Lows
You were not meant to do life alone! Expansion Tribes is a community where you can BELONG! Sign up to join one of our Tribes today.
Step 1
Find a TRIBE
Explore our Tribes and discover the one that resonates with you the most.
Step 2
Sign Up
Register for a Tribe, and we'll be in touch to guide you through the next steps.
Step 3
Meet Up
Experience transformative relationships and thrive in community growth together.
Tribes are the way we experience encouragement and accountability at Expansion Church. As we grow in our relationship with God and others, we fulfill this mission together: "Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not nelgect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage on another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near." Hebrews 10:24-25
At Expansion Church, we offer: Men's Tribes, Women's Tribes, Co-ed Tribes, and Married Couples Tribes. Your Tribe focus can be activity based, social, or service based.
Activity: Some Tribes draw people into community for a shared activity like walking, biking, surfing, golf, basketball, tennis, running, fishing, sewing, cooking, dancing, or art and music. These activities become the starting point for people to be encouraged to take their next step toward Jesus.
Social: Tribes based on social events such as a dinner club, book club, or a professional Tribe can be the starting point for many people to take a next step toward a relationship with Christ.
Service: Some Tribes focus on community outreach/serving as they learn and share God's Word together.